Italian Pronunciation Workshop!

Did you know...? You can learn a new language more quickly by focusing on pronunciation first!

“Aural roadblock is one of the reasons that learning a language as an adult can be so challenging." -Scientific American

💪🧠 The cross fit of language…strengthening the core (beyond grammars, structures, and even culture!), a refreshed focus on pronunciation:

  1. Improves your learning capabilities & potential
  2. Helps you sound more like a native speaker, making you more easily understood in conversation
  3. Helps you understand native speakers better!

Have fun and gain confidence speaking in your 'target language'!

Practice pronunciation and uncover the nuances and lyricism of spoken French. Team Freestyle's approach uses authentic multi-media, including videos, audio, & more!

Start today for FREE

Your Instructor

Patrizia was born and raised in Pordenone, a charming town 50 minutes north of Venice, Italy. Patrizia moved to Austin in 1991. She worked in the travel business for 17 years, as well as teaching Italian Informal classes for 17 years at the University of Texas. She also has a BA in Psychology from St. Edward’s University.

Our teachers come from a variety of intercultural backgrounds and experiences to enrich your language learning experience. Our secret sauce? In each language we choose the optimal mix of native speakers and non-native speakers with higher degrees in foreign language instruction who are true pros in teaching it!

Course Curriculum

Click On The section below for a FREE mini-lesson

Frequently Asked Questions  

How long do I have access to the course?

As long as you want! After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

Your satisfaction and speaking success drives all that we offer! If you are unsatisfied with your course, please contact Team Freestyle at